As the cold weather approaches so does more opportunities to sight see in Korea.. Only problem is you have to be brave enough (and have enough clothing) to weather the freezing cold! When "they" said "they" send people to Korea for cold weather training, it's no joke! Cuz it's COLD here!! But the cold doesn't scare us away! On Monday we went just North of Seoul, bout an hour and a half from here, and took the kids to an ice gallery.
We got Mozart on ice...
And the ice technician....
Leave it to Jake to want to pee in the ice potty....
Uh, hey there wee ones... Doncha think you're a lil young to be at the bar?
After the ice gallery we pit stopped at a coffee joint for some coffee and hot cocoa to warm up and then it was back on the subway to head for some ice skating! One good, sometimes bad, thing about having cute, blonde haired, blue eyed kids in Korea is that they stand out like sore thumbs! But they get a lot of attention, and therefore people always want to do for them... So, when we went to stand in line to wait for them to open the rink back up one of the staff members stole Jamison and took him for a couple spins around the rink
Mommy stayed back as the paparazzi (as always) so daddy was in charge of taking the kiddos out on the ice... Jamison had a BLAST! But he never really stood up on his own Haha Daddy had to drag him around the rink.

Makayla was surprisingly a good sport! At first she clung to the wall of course. I mean it has been like 4 years since we last took her ice skating! She fell multiple times but still got back up and continued to skate. Eventually she was skating in the middle of the rink all by herself and begging daddy to fling her around to make her go faster. She has now requested that in our next house we find one that has a pond.... so that she can go ice skating in her own backyard.. Papa... better get on that! LOL When we got home we warmed up with some hot cocoa and watched Ice Princess via Makayla's request. All in all, a wonderful day!
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